Sunday, May 30, 2010
Toyota Show Case

Today I also went to the Toyota Show Case place for new cars. Some of the things were so sweet! There is nothing more I can say to describe them so just look at the photos :) Since I took the photos using my cell phone, it's a pain in the butt to upload every single one... so I'm only leaving you with a couple. Dad, if you are reading this... I'm sure you are jealous ;P
MTV Awards!!!

So last night I went to the MTV Awards Japan version. A guy I used to tutor worked for MTV and was able to score me a ticket! ^__^ Gotta appreciate those connections. I wish I was able to show you more pictures, but they confiscated our cameras before. Luckily I still had my phone :) I took only a few pictures but it was a little difficult to get anything. The event was amazing!!! I got to see so many Japanese artists and even Kesha. The Japanese artists/ groups included Big Bang, Chemistry, Exile, W-inds, Superfly, Vanness, Jay-ed, Bradberry Orchestra, etc. Many more with Kanji characters, which for those who can't read them probably wouldn't help. Some of them acted only as presenters.
All I can say is that I never knew just how high pitched Japanese girls can scream. It was ridiculous. Unfortunately I had to stand the full 3 hours, and by the end I was ready to peace out. My feet honestly wanted to commit suicide. I barely crawled back home, but it was worth it.
My favorite presenter for the night was the collaboration of K' Naan and AI for the song "Wavin' Flag." It was so good and made me feel so happy afterward. I hope all of you can enjoy it too :)
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Too much fun..
This weekend was ridiculous. Two all-nighters in a row... blah. Friday is not as exciting, or worth mentioning, but last night was totally awesome.
Last night I went to Ageha, which is apparently the biggest club in Tokyo. Not gonna lie... it was pretty sweet. There were four different dance areas within Ageha that were about the size of one any other club in Tokyo. All of Ageha sort of looked like a spacious fancy warehouse. The room with techno music was accompanied by strobe lights, flashing colored lights, and fog everywhere. It was so cool too in the area with the house music! Randomly, girls in crazy outfits would appear and pole dance on these giant poles that were all the way to the ceiling (we are talking about a warehouse high ceiling here) So cool! Makes me want to learn how... One of the girls had a white costume that was somewhat renaissance-ish. She was also wearing this crazy beaded and lace mask. SO COOL!!
Outside where they had like Beach type music, there was a small pool. Mostly decoration purposes, but people kept pretending to fall in. It was cute at first, but then it just got old. By the way did I mention that Ageha is pretty much in the middle of nowhere?? From Shibuya, you take a free 20 min bus that shuttles you to the club. Basically if you were to look at a map of the metro, I was on the complete opposite side of where I live. At night Tokyo is all lit up and since the club is by the water, the view is amazing!! There is even a ferris wheel that you can see in the distance. Makes me so sad that I didn't bring a camera :( I guess that's just all the more reason to go again right? Gotta document this shit!
On a total side note... my host kid just crashed into my room yelling. Did I mention she was wearing flashing light devil horns? yeah... completely random... but I'm so totally getting my Halloween costume in Japan!!
But back to the club... for anyone out there looking for a cool must-visit club... go to Ageha. It's slightly pricy for the entrance fee, but it's worth at least going once.
Now I gotta study. Test tomorrow :( and an essay still to write.
Monday, May 17, 2010
A bit of emo...
As I try to write my six page essay I realized I have no clue where to start... or what to write. We are given no direction, and no grading guidelines. Basically we are asked to BS 6 pages. Why? Who knows... to evaluate just how little of Japanese women's history we know? or could it be just how well we can pretend to know nothing? According to the teacher... it is probably the first, but I definitely think everyone is practicing their art of BS.
Then I start to wonder about the future. This gets dangerous. My friends are graduating, and I'm thinking that I have no clue what I want to do with the rest of my life. Sure it's easy to say that nobody really knows what they want to do, but they still have some sort of backup path. For example all those foreign affairs students, they have connections to pull them through. But what happens to those that wanted to become doctors? Once that fails... I know there is no way I could be researching. I don't see myself sitting in a chair all day and getting exciting over the tiniest change in cell structure/ function. What's worse is that I love biology. The longer I am in Japan, and the more foreign affairs, and history I am learning, the stronger my need becomes to pick up a science text book and just casually flipping through it. I know I'm crazy.... at least I kno
I feel as if the world is a treadmill, and I just happened to get my shoe lace stuck and fall flat on my ass. What's worse is that the treadmill just keeps going... I'm just currently not on it. It's too late to start all over, and I can never redo the past... nor would I really want to...
My life is honestly like this paper. There are no guidelines, and there are no rules. It's a blank piece of paper (or computer screen) that I am staring at. I have no clue where to start, and no clue what to write about. Despite this, it will get done by tomorrow morning... just a little half assed. That too, is very much like my life.
Today I found out I have a six page paper due tomorrow at 9 am. FML. What's worse is that I'm feeling more tired with each passing day. Lol I think it's the culture shock :P but seriously.. no clue what's up. The weather is getting nicer, so you would think I would want to be more active right?
Currently I am watching the Tamagochi show. It's so cute!! I was babysitting my host kid for a total of 30 min... woooo. Anyways, I'm going to peace out. Attempt at writing my essay :P
By the way.... HAPPY GRADUATION!!!! \(^__^)/ You know who you are....
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Sanja Matsuri ^__^
Yesterday there was the Sanja Matsuri in Asakusa. A matsuri is a spring festival where people dress up in yukattas, eat lots of amazing food, play random games, and shop :) At this festival there were also traveling shrines that designated people carried and yelled some words. Majority of these people were men... who wore outfits without pants. No underwear either... just like these thong things that cover the major area. My friend was traumatized when one of the men dropped something and went to pick it up... I personally thought it was hysterical. Later we played a game where you could catch a fish with a rice paper catcher. I was unsuccessful :( but the man running the booth thought I was a good sport about it so he gave me the fish anyways :)

(Update to current news... my fish has successfully committed suicide last night, after several attempts of jumping out of the bowl. I woke up with a note from my host dad letting me know that my fish has moved on to the bigger fish bowl in the sky... poor fish. I didn't even get the chance to name it) Anyways... later we had more food, one of which was a takoyaki and had a small whole octopus in it. I absolutely had to try it! and it was yummy :)
By the way, I forgot to mention that on Friday my friends and I went to an Alkatraz/ ER bar. The table where we sat was in a cell, and the waitresses and waiters where in nurse/ doctor uniforms. The food was nothing special.. and neither were the drinks for that matter, but it was the atmosphere that was pretty cool. I thought it was hysterical when they started to play a country song in the background :P Talk about out of place. I took photos so I will post those up as soon as I can.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Today was awesome. First I had a haircut, so now my hair is shoulder length and easier to manage. Then, I had this awesome tutoring gig that lasted 2 hours and I got paid 9000 yen, which is somewhat equivalent to 90 dollars. SO SWEET! We didn't even teach the first hour, it was just an ice breaker game. Afterwards I went out to dinner in Shinjuku with the people from tutoring. Finally... and this I think is one of the highlights of the day... I went to a Alice in Wonderland themed cafe/ restaurant. It was SUPER cute!! Even the waitresses were dressed up in either mad hatter or Alice. Unfortunately my camera died by this point... so I used someone else's, which means that you won't be able to see the photos until a little later. Anyways, its 1:23 in the morning here and I am exhausted. Tomorrow is another fun filled day! Can't wait ^__^
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Ok so I uploaded the photos... all 570 or so... obviously it will take some time to write a caption under every single one. There are more photos... but I have to get them from other people, which may take some time. Anyways, you have 3 options: 1.) look at the photos now or 2.) wait until I write a caption under them all and then look at the photos, or 3.) look at all of them twice :)
Golden Week!
I am finally back from Kyoto, and I have to say that the trip was awesome! There definitely is a huge difference between Tokyo and Kyoto. Kyoto is more calm and old-fashioned than Tokyo. Despite the old school Japan feel, Kyoto does have modern buildings.. and some places feel so touristy. I want to talk about all the places I visited, but that may be a super long post, so I will probably write a little about each place under the photos.... I took so many. Actually my camera died half-way through the first day, so most of my photos are scattered between four cameras... gotta hunt those down :P
Currently I am just relaxing in Tokyo... the weather has been amazing ^__^
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