Yesterday there was the Sanja Matsuri in Asakusa. A matsuri is a spring festival where people dress up in yukattas, eat lots of amazing food, play random games, and shop :) At this festival there were also traveling shrines that designated people carried and yelled some words. Majority of these people were men... who wore outfits without pants. No underwear either... just like these thong things that cover the major area. My friend was traumatized when one of the men dropped something and went to pick it up... I personally thought it was hysterical. Later we played a game where you could catch a fish with a rice paper catcher. I was unsuccessful :( but the man running the booth thought I was a good sport about it so he gave me the fish anyways :)

(Update to current news... my fish has successfully committed suicide last night, after several attempts of jumping out of the bowl. I woke up with a note from my host dad letting me know that my fish has moved on to the bigger fish bowl in the sky... poor fish. I didn't even get the chance to name it) Anyways... later we had more food, one of which was a takoyaki and had a small whole octopus in it. I absolutely had to try it! and it was yummy :)
By the way, I forgot to mention that on Friday my friends and I went to an Alkatraz/ ER bar. The table where we sat was in a cell, and the waitresses and waiters where in nurse/ doctor uniforms. The food was nothing special.. and neither were the drinks for that matter, but it was the atmosphere that was pretty cool. I thought it was hysterical when they started to play a country song in the background :P Talk about out of place. I took photos so I will post those up as soon as I can.
omg we are going to that bar when i get there guzal!! and guess what i have my own place to stay at after the 21st of july so we can do whatever we want !!!!! im excited are you??? i miss youu so much honey and im so glad you're having such an amazing time!!!